Do you feel that your eyes are dry and tired after a long day staring at a computer screen? You are not alone. Several people contact us for these reasons, especially during this period of confinement.
Digital screens emit a fair amount of light, which can have negative consequences on your eyes, including fatigue, dry or watery eyes, and irritated eyes. Too much blue light after sunset is known to keep you from falling asleep as it disrupts your circadian cycle ie your internal clock which tells you when it is time to sleep or be awake.
Unfortunately, most of us cannot avoid using computers, tablets and phones in our everyday life. So how do you deal with the negative consequences of digital screens?
Glasses blocking blue light are very "trendy" in terms of well-being. What are these glasses? They are equipped with lenses specially designed to filter blue light, and have the function of protecting your eyes from the glare caused by prolonged exposure to screens.
Are Blue Light Blocking Glasses Really Worth the Hype? It may surprise you, but many eye problems caused by digital screens are not due to blue light. Indeed, many people experience eye discomfort from long hours spent in front of screens, but most of the problems are actually eye strain and discomfort, and do not come directly from the blue light itself.
When we stare at a screen or digital device for too long a time, we don't blink very often, which makes the cornea dry and itchy. And when we force our eyes to look at something up close, like a screen or even a book, our eye muscles are contracted, which can cause fatigue. But if you look at a distant object, your eyes relax.
So, before spending on blue light reducing glasses, try following these tips:
- Practice the 20-20-20 rule. In every 20 minute period, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It will help your eyes relax.
- Remember to completely close your eyelids frequently to keep your eyes well lubricated. Blinking brings new tears to your eyes, oxygenates your tissues, and may even reduce the appearance of blood vessels.
- Sit an arm's length (approximately 60 cm) from your screen. Most people sit too close to the computer and experience eye strain. This is also valid for wearers of progressive lenses, which are effective if the high screen is far away at arm's length.
- Program your screens to automatically switch to night mode so that their brightness is reduced after the sun goes down.
- If you have trouble falling asleep, make it a habit to turn off all your digital devices at least an hour before bed.
The Glasses Bar team of opticians and optometrists are there for you, so do not hesitate to contact us for any problem related to your vision.
Marie-Sophie Dion, optician